For my EIGHTIES Skate Deck I decided early that I will go with the idea of a specific video game which was big and everybody played. My personal favorite and one of the greatest of all time: PacMac. Computers were getting big and started to grow fast as a massive product.

Video games and personal computers were pretty big during those years and they set the tone for the upcoming decades. We all loved and played PacMan, we all had some kind of personal computer, either Commodore, IBM, Apple IIe or else.

I checked some ads of the moment in order to see colors and shapes used. Although I remember a lot of things, I wanted to take a look anyway.

I chose pretty basic colors (for example: Apple® Computer Inc. rainbow color; Rubik® cube) and shapes which are recognizable and clearly represent the idea and the time that they belong to.

Then I decided to go with the idea that the whole skateboard will look like a pac-man screen and the elements are playing inside of it.

I traced some basic but important elements of a pac-man screen like the square shapes that create the maze. Then I did the stars and circles.

I did some 80s font research as well and I decided to write my full name and make it like if it was going through the maze.
Commodore Server Font chosen.

For the most important part of the deck I traced with black paint and a brush my signature and used the most nice parts of it. 

After importing it into Photoshop® I colorized it with basic colors (In this case I chose Magenta and Cyan).

Then all the elements were combined to create a nice and simple composition with vector images, my name in Yellow typography and my signature. But one last detail was added.

I took a photograph of a particular and typical element of the 80s. Used as a small texture in one corner of my design, not meant to be very obvious. The sole of a 80s NIKE sneaker. The 'waffle' soles of Nike shoes were big part of the culture of the eighties.

Nike sole...

Final retouches... Here's a part of the maze, a vector image.

The final design printed and ready for the deck.


Most difficult part in process.

Now, refining edges.

Finally, ready and shining to be shown to the world.

Thanks a lot to all. Wonderful first semester, it was really interesting.
Had lots of fun !!!